Stacy Dylan, co-founder of Connecting to Cure Crohn’s and Colitis, is passionate about supporting patients with chronic medical conditions. As an advocate for her son Lowell, now 24, who was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at the age of two, she saw the need to create a community for families, caregivers, and individuals who face the challenges of coping with an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
For the past 22 years, Stacy Dylan has been committed to patient advocacy on every level. This includes attending IBD conferences and medical meetings to ensure clinicians and researchers better understand patient and caregiver voices. Stacy commits her time to speaking directly to patients, parents, and families who are navigating an IBD diagnosis, empowering them to better advocate for themselves or a loved one. Stacy wanted to provide support to patients and caregivers, which she needed and didn’t have when Lowell was young. Thus, she co-founded Connecting to Cure Crohn's and Colitis.
Her blog focuses on how Lowell's Crohn's disease continually affects his health and how her family has coped with it over the years. Her posts occasionally delve into other topics she feels compelled to write about, such as her older son's high school graduation and a book she became obsessed with. Stacy received her BA in Art History from Hampshire College in 1989, where she met her husband Sam, with whom she has two sons. She received her MA in clinical psychology in 1995 and formerly practiced as a licensed marriage and family therapist.